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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
12:42 PM


and the keyboards suck monkey balls,
so ill post when i get back to sweden.

ooh. PS. swedish guys are wayyy hotter than german boys (:
yupp, good old ANNOYING european keyboards.

Sunday, July 29, 2007
2:06 PM

hi, im bored.


we're going to berlin,
and the biggest mall in europe,
and hopefully a ton of other shopping places (:

pretty please (:

im soo sick of museams.

anyways, me kristian and my family went to watch
this breakdancing competition between like 6 european countries.

sweden was theee best,
but we didnt get to stay for the whole thing because we had to go to
stupid church .. which was GAY.

i dragged kristian along, and we were just whsipering the entire
fucking 90 minutes of mass.
and we did the wave when we had to hold hands and sing our father.

we're gonna go skinny dipping next saturday,
so that will be pretty fun ..and gross.
i guess. haha

ok. i lied.
going back to the states in 12 days.

i kinda want to,
kinda dont,
so i guess its bittersweet.

pictures will be up next week .. hopefully.
if not it will be(definately) up when i get back to NC
peace (:

Saturday, July 28, 2007
3:50 PM

im leaving sweden in 11 days.

just got back from a 6 hour dinner at krisitians house.
& my moms being a bitch.
and i dont wanna go back to SHITSBORO.

obviously, im in a whiny mood.

Thursday, July 19, 2007
1:15 PM

new pics on my myspace -


yeah. and jake's finally over the kristian thing (:
but im in europe. im supposed to have fun.

Monday, July 16, 2007
12:39 PM

i didn't post yesterday ..

anyways, my sister's gonna be back from london tomorrow,
so im not gonna be able to blog much.
but i'll make this a really GOOD post complete with tons of pictures and everything,
since im not gonna be able to post much (:

starting off with saturday ..

yup. so thats kristian on the far left, my brother, meghan (kristian's little sister),
yeah. and you who the last one is.
if you don't, you should.

we went to jump on the little kiddy moon bounce things.
the sign said 7 and under, but me and kristian were like: fuck THAT! and we just climbed on and started jumping (:

mom packed sandwhiches and we picniced by the little kiddy go kart race track,
and after lunch, all of us like ran and had a race.

obviously, i won the race (:

we were walking, and kristian took my camera and was like. hold up. and then he ran ahead and told me to pose .. so i did, and this is how to picture turned out. WHAT A FAGGOT.
little kiddy merry-go-round. we're such LOSERSSSSSSSSS

the non-kiddy rides were pretty cool though,
like this one .

and the icecream was superly good (:
the famous danish soft-ice .

yummy! best icecream i've EVER had (:

joel and kristian get along superly well. kinda gay almost ..

waiting in line for rides.
ahhh! i wish they had fast passes like in disney ..

fort bilson .. its a big playground, actually.
and us showing off our superly awesome biceps (:
climbing the thing.
he took like 2198372894723849274982 pictures of me climbing this stupid thing.

the oh-so-famous,
stick-out-your-tongue face (:

i was like falling off the thing,
and he just stood there taking pictures of me falling -.-

trying to get through the little baby hole ..

andddd, im out (:
the obstacle course that i def beat kristian at (:
duck paddle boats.
its was pretty boring, because we tried to race, but kristian and joel kept
accusing us of cheating.

in fact, it got so boring,

like we climbed out of our duck/boat thing,
and jumped into the duck beside it. LOL

we didnt fall in though (:

alright.. lets fast forward a couple of days to

so, i got up at about 12, and kristian called.
asked if we wanna go get chinabox
(this superly good chinese food that comes in little takeout boxes that you can
walk and eat with)
for lunch.

he said to meet and the steps at 12.45,
but i didnt leave the house till 1.

so, we got china box. ate for a couple of hours.
walked around, went to get icecream, and then they came over here.

i totally smoked him at wii tennis,
we went to the courtyard to sit and play blink and set,
totally whooped him in that too (:

and we tried to plan another crazy plan,
to sneak out tonight, but we're both too tired.
so the plans off.

i walked them home,
shopped a little.
joel got a skateboard !!!

i successfully converted him into a skater (:
ooh. yeah.
im THAT good (:

went for a run at like 10.30.
kristian wanted to go, but i said no.

yeah, thats pretty much it ..
alright. PICTURES (:

like i said, they get along so well to the point that its kinda
he used the spoon to cover his face ..
pretty smart (:

his aviators ..
looks kinda gay on him though.
but joel looks superly cute in them though,
and you see all those gaps in between his teeth,
well, he just lost another tooth today.

he looks like some drunk rocker dude from england.
don't you think ?

yummy icecreammmm
ahhh. im gonna get fat.
i eat icecream EVERYDAY, and today i had TWO icecreams.

it was supposed to look like a little model photo shoot.
turned out pretty bad though,
looked more like a .. i don't even know.

well, its like 2.29am right now,
and im super tired, but im staying up to blog,
so you guys better love me for that.

AND i have to get up at 8, because kristians coming to pick me up
at like 9 or 10 to go the skatepark.

8 in the freaking morning?

well, tmrs gonna be fun i guess.
we're going to the skatepark, and then chinabox again
(i'll try to get some pictures this time)
and then we're eating and walking to the theater,
and then going for another concert.

this time its a breakdancing one.
im pretty excited (:

well, i'll blog if i have the chance.
until then,
heido (bye in swedish .. yeah)

Saturday, July 14, 2007
4:28 PM

just got back from kristain's house.
went to BONBON LAND just nowww.

ahh. im sooo tired and wayy to lazy to blog. i like can't even think anymore.
how bout tommorow?

i promise i'll blog tomorrow WITH pictures,
AND pictures of kristian (:

alright. be excitedddddd for that (:
good night lovers.

Friday, July 13, 2007
2:47 PM

you know what i just realised?
except meee of course (:

i faithfully and loyally update my blog EVERYDAY,
thank you very much.

yeah. but today was kinda awesome-ish.
its wasnt like the funnest day ever, but it wasnt totally boring like most days.

so, i got up at about 12.
yeah well, lets skip that part and go stright to dinner.

(ahh. soo corny.)

so, we walked on the middle eastern street (thats what me and my mom call it)
and stopped for kebabs.
god, i love those felafel things.

after that. we went home.
yeah .. fast forward on the boring part again.

so like at 7, we went downstairs to go look for kristain cause we were gonna go for a concert thing. he looked superly cute today (:
in a dressy kinda way.

lol. he wore an american eagle sweater and cudoroy kakhis.
but i wore soffees and a holister tee with an H&M sweatshirt.
soo, we kinda didnt match.

it was cute though.

the band was called the freedom fries.
its a jazz type band, but i really liked it.
the drummer was superly cute (:
and i like that kind of music so i guess it was kinda fun.

after the concert. kristian and like his wholeee family came over
and had coffee and desserts and cookies and stuff.

we played on the wii.
i totally kicked his ass (:
haha. i really did though.

and then we like sat on my bed and talked about the most randomest stuff.
and he likes cooking and baking (:
so im gonna go over to his house to bake cupcakes on sunday and then
go watch another concert .. i think.

but, tommorrow im going to
ooh joy!

im gonna have the funnest day riding rides BY MYSELF again!
ooh boy! can't wait!

ahhh. i need someone to gooo with me!

oh, i went shopping yesterday.
spent like 1800 kronos, and me and jake were calculating how much money
i spent in US dollars, and it came up to $288.

and guess what i spent most of it on?
oh god. like i didnt even remember buying all this stuff
until i got home and i was like looking at it. and im like omyfuckkk. im probably never gonna wear this or use this ever again in my life.

im such an impulse shopper, its not even funny. like im an UNBILIEVEABLY (or however you spell that stupid word) in credible impulse shopper. i buy everything and anything i find cute.
especially accesories. becuase they don't cost much, so i can keep spending and not feel like i spent alot of money. lol. u know what i mean?

anyways, other than buying A TON of accesories, i got 3 dresses and 2 belts (:
and 2 mascaras and 2 eyeliners.(i was running out. yupp. i had a reason to buy them)

ohh, jake got into my myspace and changed it. haha.
its pretty funny. heres the link:

Thursday, July 12, 2007
3:20 PM

i just spent about an hour changing jake's myspace.
hahha. its super funny.
i changed his background to ALL pink,
and for his sexual orientation, i put gay.

lol. a bunch of stuff.
its soooo funny. and for his song,
i changed it to
big girls don't cry.

hahhaa. and he can't change it back cause he can't find his mouse (:
arn't i the best girlfriend everrrrrrrrr?

you can go view his profile at:

its soooooooooo funny (:

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
a face to the name
12:54 PM

(SECOND POST FOR TODAY. if you're saying: "ohh, god!" then scroll down for the first post. cause this post is pretty much a bunch of crap, and its pretty long. if you're gonna read both posts, grab some coffee or a soda first. its gonna take a pretty long time.)

hello, SUNSHINE.

im really bored.
and i wanna blog, but i don't have
anything to blog about.

i need a topic. cau
se im running out of ideas.
which sucks, cause i usually have really good ideas, and i talk a ton,
but apparently, my ADD is catching up on me.

ohh. speaking of my ADD, it stands for attention deficit disorder.
its a mind disease i guess, and it causes me to have a very short attention span
(not dory fish short, but like abnormally short, compared to other people).

so, i guess that explains why i get distracted soo easily.

i can't concentrate well. i don't think very deep into things either,
and i get hyper really easy.(yeah, kinda obvious)
normally, people with ADD are supposed to take pills and stuff,
but i don't.

my brother has ADHD.
or we suspect he does. i
ts hyper attention deficit disorder.
so isn't it supposed to be HADD?

but i guess ADHD sounds better.
haha. but yeah.
he gets hyper and violent and terribly annoying.

anyways, i was reading through a couple of my posts,
d i realised that i use the names
r,rachel and gill
in my posts ALOT, and you guys probably have absolutely
NO CLUE and NO IDEA who im talking about.

well, i thought i would put faces to their names, so that you guys can picture them when you're reading my posts. lame, i know. but i have nothing else to dooooo. how pathetic is that? superly, tremendously, horrifyingly pathetic. ook.

introducing GILL.
hey gill.
i chose the weirdest picture of her that i
could find to put it on here for the world wide web to see.
(mean, i know. but its her myspace default, so i guess she doesn't really care?)

well, shes my overly retarded BFF
think most of you guys should already know her since i talk about her sooo damn much.

shes the superly blonde girl in most of my pictures.
shes superly tall, and like half the guys in my school are crazy over her.
and she totally fits the sterotype:

oh, her name sounds like gill, like fish gills, but its not.
her real name is gillian, but we call her gill.
like jack and jill. but i still call her gill. like fish gills. haha

alright. next person.

this is jake.
jakes not his real name either.
its jacob, but no one likes that name, so we call him jake.
and it sounds wayy hotter than jacob. lol

anyways, hes my superly awesome boyyyfriend.
hes hot (:
but annoying sometimes, and paranoid.
but i still love him.

ohh. and if you're wondering whos that girl next to him,
thats his sister, heather.

shes pretty cool i guess. met her once.
lol. she knows my sister?
i think.

well, they go to the same college.

next ..

rachel (:
lindsey sometimes.
because thats her last name - rachel lindsey.

me, her and gill usually hang out together.
her step dad is super rich,
and always pays for our limousines when we go for dances.
her house is (well, its her step dad's) super big.

they have a pool, hot tub, suana (in her mom's bathroom)
pool table, bar, chocolate fountain, tons of stuff.

ohh, and they have 6 front doors (which my brother finds AMAZING).
best place for sleepovers and parties (:


i call him princess poofy hair cause his hair is pretty poofy.

and we always say:
rapunzel rapunzel. let your poofy hair down.

well, hes the super lame one,
who always fights with me (both verbally and physically)
but i always win though (: he used to like rachel, and then gill,
but none of them liked him back. lol.

i feel bad for him.

hes jake's best friend, and my new gill.
i tell him EVERYTHING.

but im not sure if he tells jake whatever i tell him,
cause that would be superly bad.
i don't think so though.

alright. im done on the peopleeeeeee.
im still bored though.
almost bored out of my mind.

wish my sister were here,
then we could go to stippes and play cards and eat mashed patatoes till 5am (:

i hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
then i'll be able to go shopping!
i think im gonna go see this dance thing at folkets park with christain though.
then, maybe i can go shopping after that (:

i reallyyyyyy feel like running,
but i can't because of the stupid blister i have on the back of my foot
that is soooo not an excuse to not run.
i seriously honestly wanna go for a longgggg run.

ohh, well. hope it heals fast.

PS: give me a topic to blog about, and i'll blog it (:

PSS: sorry for blogging so much. im REALLY bored. and you can just skip over all these words if you don't wanna read them.

PSSS: i don't know whats wrong with the font size, but i can't seem to change it back. sorrryyy. at least you don't have to squint your eyes anymore (:
(nevermind that. i managed to change it back)

PSSSS: can you hear the song? i can't.

9:31 AM

im thinking about moving to live journal,
but im still contemplating.

i hate how its sooo hard to upload pictures on blogger.
firstly, it takes FOREVER,
and secondly, everytime you upload pictures, it makes the lines skip.

so you have to go back and backspace all the lines in between sentences.
really annoying.
which is also why i don't really like uploading pictures, and if i do,
they're always before my posts.

so im still thinking about it.
i've had my blog here for like 2 years,
and it will be hard to move everyone over, to where ever i want to move to.
which one is better? BLOGGER, XANGA, or LIVEJOURNAL?
i have nooo idea. haha.

alright, i just don't get
like does that make you popular or something ?
do people judge how awesome you are or how
pretty you look by the number of comments you have?
i just don't get it

i hate it when i view people's profiles and they check who viewed their profile,
and send a comment to me saying.
"euu soo bad worxx. view moii profile neber comment."

like geez.
what does commenting have anything to do with viewing your profile?
not like i have any comments about it or anything to say to you.

or if someone commented you, and you don't comment back,
they send you another comment saying,
"eeu berii good horx. ii comment eeu y00 neber comment backk."

yaya. whatever.
comments aren't popularity polls.
who cares about the amount of comments you have,
or the number of friends you have on FRIENDSTER.
its a freaking website.

if you really want TONS of comments and friends on friendster,
just rip a picture off some really pretty model or minor celebrity,
and say that you're european, or from some cool country,
and put that fake picture of 'you' on there,
and you'll have plenty of friends and comments in nooo time (:

this is where i got started on the comments on friendster topic.

jebaz:i go write friendster comment for u reply back k
me: lol
me: whyyy
jebaz: u hate me ar??
me: lol
me: no
jebaz: then u dont wanna drop me a comment
me: how does that make a difference ?
jebaz: ar
jebaz: ok la

i hate it when people ask me to write comments for them.
i have to log into friendster, search for their profile,
and then think of something to write to them. usually, i just say:
hey. hotstuff.

so, if you get a comment like that from me,
that means i had absolutely no intention of writing you a comment,
and im just contributing to your comment total.

ehh. i sound mean.
but it pisses me off. haha.
everythings been pissing me off today.

ohh. updateeee.
skyler asked gill out,
and gill said no,because shes been hanging out with the superly hot zach at the river.
so now, skylers heart broken and sad and acting all weird,
and jake and him have been going out everyday and have sleepovers to get his mind off it.

so, that means. NO ENTERTAINMENT.
or at least, no one to talk to online.

haha. well, thats all for today i guess.
i planned to go shopping, but its been raining all dayyy.
dreary weatherrrr.

oh. and i only had one cup of coffee today (:

we've officially converted to eating swedish food.
well, its actually a mix of swedish and american.

so, tonight, we're having:
couscous, chicken nuggets, salad, potato salad,
mashed patatoes, fish gratin, bread and butter,
baked beans, and i think thats all.

haha. alright. time to eatttt

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
1:13 PM

jake drives me crazy.
sometimes he does. but sometimes, he melts me.
i wanna breakup, but i don't wanna breakup. i don't know if i should just end this once and for all and save myself the insanity, or give it a shot and see if things will change when i get back home.

i have no freaking idea what to do.
i mean, i know im selfish over the christain thing. and he totally has a right to get mad at me. but, then again, hes acting kind of gay. and we're trying to sort things out as im typing this post. but then again, i've been hanging out with another cute guy. in another country. at the beach. and skatepark. i mean, if i were him, i would be pissed too.

soo, right now, i don't know if i should be the nice & understanding i'll-put-up-with-the-shit- girlfriend, or the selfish and mean you-just-pissed-me-off-you-blew-it girlfriend.

alright. thoughts aside.

i hung out with christain today. (selfish. i know.) we went to the skatepark, and he tried to teach me how to skate. it didnt go too well though. i was falling left and right. and backwards. almost. i almost hit my superly awesome sexy butt. but i regained my balance. i guess all that figure skating payed off (:

after that, we walked to maxi ICA (swedish grocery store. its like walmart.) to get me some bandaids, because i was DUMBBBB enough, to wear my superly cute new flats and walk ALL the way to the skatepark. by the time i got there, the back of my foot was all torn up and bleeding.

talking about my cute flats, i wore the cutest outfit today. but it was a tad slutty though. but not over-the-top slutty. just a smidge. a red V cut t-shirt dress, with black leggings, and my superly cute flats, and a skater cap that says 'rock' on it. (:

yeah so we went to get my bandaids and then sat and ate lollipops and talked. mainly about sports. haha. guys' favorite topic to talk about, is sports. im glad i know quite a bit about sports though.[ soo, if you're planning to pick up guys, do some research on sports (:]

after that, we basically walked around a whole bunch, he showed me his apartment, showed me his favorite cafe, went into stores with me and we played the if-you-could-get-anything-you-want-for-free-what-would-you-pick game.
i guess hes pretty entertaining (:

later at night, we went bowling. cosmic bowling (: like as a family. MY family.
it was mucho gusto awesome, cause there were disco balls and like smoke coming out from the sides and stuff. and they had oldies on and the lights were dimmed.
pretty awesome (: perfect for a date.

i love fun dates (: something other than the movies or dinner or stuff like that. like maybe .. theme parks ? or paintballing. lazer tag. miniature golfing (: or even real golf is fun too. bowlings awesome (: and even like staying home to play mario kart or playing on the wii. haha. fun stuff.

alright, i guess im ending here.
goodnight lovers

Monday, July 09, 2007
10:37 AM

(just got back from hanging out with my first friend i ever made in sweden (: his name is christan and we walked his dog at the park and then went to walk at the beach. jakes really pissed that im hanging out with him. lol. but. ohh, well. I HAVE A FRIEND NOW (: and it makes me happy (: ohh. FYI. this is about to be a superly long post. soo, skip over and come back tomorrow if you're not in the mood. )

well, life sucks anyway. DON'T DO DRUGS,

LIVE HEALTHILY and then die.
got it from jessica's blog

that is soo true. DAMN IT.
one mistake and you totally screw yourself over.

alright. lets look at things one at a time.
if you DO DRUGS,
scenario one -
you'll get addicted, (most likely) and you'll spend a tonnnn of money on drugs,
and you'll have to borrow money from people and/or the bank,
and your credit score will totally go up, making it harder for you to get more drugs,
and then you'll have to borrow even more money, and you'll be in debt all your life.
and when you eventually die,(thats if you dont OD or get cancer or leukemia),
you probably won't have enough money for your own funeral, since the back
will claim all the things you own.

scenario two:
you get addicted, and lets say you have the money and the luxury to afford to feed your
terribly bad habit. you keep taking drugs, cause you're obviously addicted,
you can't stop, and your health deteriorates.
you start getting nasty side effects, like hair on your tongue, or shrinking testicles,
for example. (or facial hair and a deepened voice for girls).
sooner or later, you get stomach or liver cancer, maybe even brain cancer,
from all the build up of all those bad chemicals that you have dumped into your body,
theres nothing the doctors can do, you have 2 weeks to live, and you're
slowly excepting the fact that you were actually committing a slow and cruel suicide
subconsciously, or unconsciously (if you didn't know that drugs were bad for you).

ok. next ..

scenario one:
you have premarital sex, the asshole of a boyfriend who got you pregnant leaves
you for an un-pregnant girl that he can happily fuck without having to worry
about that big bump getting in the way.
you are left with two choices. abortion, or giving birth to the baby and
screwing up your life forever.

case #1: you pick abortion
you have to deal with the fact that you killed an 'almost' human being that could've been
brought into the world, and you will have to defend yourself
from all the head strong christians that argue that a fetal is actually
a human being/god's creation.

case #2: you pick to give birth to the child
you spend 9 miserable months bearing the child, only to give birth to it,
finding that its superly FUGLY, cause the asshole that got you pregnant was
FULGY. because
fugly + average/over average/ yet another fugly = fulgy baby
and you have to work 3 jobs just to raise that fugly baby that you gave birth to.
and you will most likely live a poor and lonely life(unless you marry a superly rich dude)
with your fugly kid.

if you say.
"noooo. my boyfriend's not an asshole and will stick with me through thick and thin and bear responsiblilty."
then the out come will be like this.

scenario 2:
you and your boyfriend have the baby TOGETHER, the whole world envies you because
you guys are soo loving and have such a beautiful baby at such a young age.
your boyfriend's super rich, and you get to be a cool stay-home mom.
not the singaporean-auntie-like stay home mom, that wrap their kids in night market clothes, but the cool-stay-home-mom that takes her kid shopping with her,
and dresses her kid up in the latest trends (:


scenario 1:
you smoke, you get addicted (most likely).
you keep buying more cigarettes and smoking because you're soo addicted.
soon, you're up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day.
on your 30th birthday, you find out that you have lung cancer.
you're depressed and sad. you go for chemotherapy for the next 2 years,
only to find out that you won't make it. and you suffer from complications,
and die a sudden death.

tragic ..

well, all of us know that eating veggies is a good thing.
veggie burgers, french fries (they're veggies you know), salads.
brocolli, peas and carrots. all that good stuff. yeah. it will add 10 years onto your
life. guess you'll die 10 years wrinkley-er. haha

you will add another 10 years on to your life, above the other 10 years that you were
going to add on to your life from eating veggies (:
and you will be in great shape, you will be able to run 5 Ks.
you can beat all the other guys out at soccer. you will be nice and thin and
athletic. yeahh. its a win-win situation (:

you will be miserable 3/4 of your life. you work hard and then die.
yeahh. fun stuff.
ohh. and you would probably take 10 years off your life, so eating veggies ended
up being for nothing. but i guess you die 10 years un-wrinkly-er. lol. nice word.

i dont get why people work. unless you're like albert einstien or
that guy who created electricity .. whatever his name was or like some doctor who found out how to make people fly or something. if you're none of that, and your hard work isn't not gonna remain after you die, i really don't see the point.

why can't we all just be hobos and bum it out and live fun lives without working.
but then again, we wouldnt be able to get what we want.
and thats kinda depressing i guess.

you would probably live till you're like 90, or even older than that.
maybe beat the guiness world record of oldest human being ..
but your life would be boring, your face would be boring, your mind would be boring,
because. lets face it.
to truely honestly have fun, you HAVE to break the rules and do some damage to
your mental, emotional, and sometimes even physical health.

yup. soo if you're healthy, you're boring.
yeah. end of story.

so, basically, my point is, life sucks.
but we all don't commit suicide, and we live on because of all the other things in life besides the sucky stuff, and the stuff in between birth and death.

we dont try to drown ourselves because no matter how sucky life is,
we always know that its not gonna stay sucky forever.
unless we get cancer or something and have like 2 weeks left to live.
but the 2 weeks would be the best 2 weeks of my life (:

i would break the law repeatedly and do whatever i want.
im gonna die anyways. who cares (:

2:26 AM

ahhh. im feeling terrible. no, scratch that ..
im feeling horribly terrifyingly terrible.

and my fucking mom keeps making me swallow pills.
and i CAN'T swallow pills. and she wont even make the effort to grind my pills
up into powder so its easier to swallow. and she fucking put it in water.
and thats the worst because once you put it in water, the fucking shit taste
comes out. and she keeps forcing me to swallow it.

so i had to like chew the pills. and she keeps making me eat.
and i feel like im gonna throw up. and my mom ruins everything cause
she doesnt even know how to take care of me.

and my dad does a wayyy better job even though he made me drink orange juice
and i kept throwing up.

and i miss my friends and my boyfriend.
and i wish jake were here right now to take care of me cause he will do a wayyy better job.
and i miss gill and skyler and i miss rachel and i miss molly and i miss jasmine and melissa
and jessica and joanne and eunice and everyone else
and i wanna goooo homee.

and im like crying right now cause my moms making me sooo fucking frustrated.

and my fucking brother keeps shooting the fucking gun which is giving
me the worst headache and im about to go crazy. and im freezing my ass off.
and my mom needs to stop yelling at me and making me swallow pills.

ahhhhhhhhhhh. helpp?
i need a hug

Sunday, July 08, 2007
12:14 PM

hey. im feeling better already.
my heads not pounding as much, and my fevers gone down.
yeahh. great recovery (: LOL.

i havn't been to the doctors yet though,
although skyler just diagnosed me with the flu. lol.

jakes been pretty much entertaining me all day. mainly because he didnt take
his ADD medicine this morning, so he was superly talkative and .. lame.
lol. but then it got kind of annoying after awhile, so he took it.
and now hes back to normal. haha.

and now skylers on line .. more entertainment (:

i've been surviving on coffee today. lol.
lets see. .. about 6 HUGEASS mugs?
yeahh. lol. okk. back to sleep (:

5:50 AM

folkets park (:
best place in the worldddddddddd.

alright. anyways, i know this is my second post for today,
but i HAD to post this. lol.
i thought it was pretty funny.

me: im bored
kelvin: haha why?
me: im sick
kelvin: oh dear. are you alright?
me: no. i have leukemia.
kelvin: are you serious?
me: yeah.
kelvin: oh dear. found a suitable bone marrow?

hahha. i started cracking up when i read that.
i guess im still as lame as ever even though im sick.

but i guess i lost a couple of brain cells from my head pounding against my brain
and squishing it.

5:07 AM

hello, stupid coldass beach

that was last weekend.
anyways, we went to gothernborg yesterday.
it was about a 2 hour drive.
slept the whole way there AND back. haha

anyways, i've never been soooo damn bored in a theme pakr in my entireeee life.
i had to ride all the rides by myself because joel wasnt tall enough to
ride any of the scary rides.

and when i was lining up for the swing superly awesome ride,
these guys were like trying to talk to me, but i didnt know what they were saying.

so the conversation was like this :
boys: doijfd cpdijfodflkd podksdlas cljkdm isdjkd?
me: whatttt?
boys: fdijfksdf saljds dopkfd oidjf.
me: huh?
boys: doifjs soidjs djsdsldswd engelska?
me: yeah. english.
boys: oidfjdkf me no english
me: -.-

yeahh. so it was THAT bad. those guys were pretty darn hot too.
but i loved the bumper cars though. i can drive those little cars around and bump
into people all day.

mostly, i bump into hot guys, and then when theres no hot guys,
i bump into little kids. ahaha. im so mean ..

anyways, IM SICK.
geez, i HATE being sick.

im feverish and dizzy. and i feel like im about to throw up. and my stomach hurts like
fuck. and my heads pounding. and i feel like my brains being squished and
i feel like im gonna die any second now.

i wish i were homeeee.
then jake could make me breakfast in bed (which i probably won't eat cause i would
throw it up), and lay with me in bed, and make me feel better.

one time, i got him sick. ahah.
it was funny.

ok. so it started off with skyler, and he got gill sick,
and gill got me sick and i got jake sick.
so all of us couldnt hang out or anything cause we were all at home sick.

haha. i think thats kinda funny.

alright. im going back to sleep, cause my head is pounding again.
and i don't wanna lose any brain cells.

ookkk. laterrr

Friday, July 06, 2007
2:24 AM

i heard that a couple of people can't view my pictures on myspace
cause they dont have a myspace ..
soo, i decided to NOT be lazy, and post the pictures on here (:

there are a TONNNNNNN more on myspace though,
and i'll be updating there more often .. so, yeah.

anyways, this is my short hair -

hello, stupid short hair
this is like a reallyyyy bad picture of my face. LOL

yeah. ugly hair again, at macdonalds. trying to eat a mcflurry?

compared to my current hair, i think it looks better long.
but this is the closest face i could find in comparison to the mcflurry one. LOL

and, walking back form the skatepark at like 1 am.

hello, skaters (:

god, i LOVE skater boys. like WITH A PASSION.
i can't even describe my love for them.
i would soooooooooo marry ryan sheckler, without a shadow of doubt in
my mind, even though hes like 10.

hes still hot though.
alright, later skaterrrrrrr

RACHAEL - dont forget that name, its gonna be famous someday.
its the perfection that i envy,
& the image that im chasing,
thats holding me back.

what if everything i told you were all lies?

basically, im anything but ordinary.

i would totally marry any guy with a rose tattoo.
random, but true

Click here to view my profile visitor stats.

because -

retail therapy, TLC,
people watching
fruit spritzers, glossy magazines,
icecream, white chocolate, movies,
boys, soccer, cars,
mighty 6!
coffee, running, SUMMER!
chai lattes, smores, singapore!




MSN: xi4ofairy@hotmail.com
Friendster: friendster.com/rachh
Myspace: myspace.com/genduuuhhh