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Monday, October 19, 2009
3:40 PM

2:26 PM

i had this sudden urge to blog while reading my friend marko's blog (its soo cool! hes blogging about his 6-month long backpacking trip around mexico!)

so, here i am, blogging. i doubt anyone ever reads my blog anymore since i havent posted in over a year? but oh, whatever. just had to put my thoughts out there.

well, im sad to report that i LOST MY CAMERA!!!!!!!! in cancun, when i was there over the summer with vivian, so i don't have many pictures to post, except for this weekend, because my boyfriend got me a new for homecoming as he thought we were going, but we ended up not going.

you know what? now i remember why i HATE blogging! its because this stupid blogger.com is sooooooooooooo UN-user-friendly! all the pictures are loaded on the top OUT OF ORDER, goshdamnit! i upload it a certain way for a reasonnnnn! now i've it down, and put it in fucking order. i dont know how all these world-renowned bloggers have so much time and patience!

[getting ready to go for the homecoming football game!
vista ridge vs. cedar park
vista ridge lost, by the way ):]

[That would be me and gabe, on the way to meet Joe and Karli before the game]

[hes making fun of my squinty asain eyes!
he makes fun of me like a tonnnnnn in pictures ..]

[Karli & i, pretty hammered at the game .. ]

[well, this is what high school football looks like .. if you can get past my stupid face,
cheerleaders on the left, keegan in crutches on the sideline son the right,
astro turf, & crazy kids with their faces & tummies painted (:]

this is taking forEVER! can anyone recommend a more userfriendly, convenient, common sense, blogging website? maybe then i'll blog more.

alright, i give up. i'll just post a whole post with pictures so i dont have to keep dragging them one by one. unless theres a secret shortcut that i don't know about? let me in on that little secret hmm?

till next time,
gossip girl.

haha, i've always wanted to do that.

Monday, January 05, 2009
2:03 PM

i've been out & away,
gone & missing.

but now im backkk!
for now anyways ..

who knows when i'll be gone again ..

anyways, i'll upload pics here & there after school & stuff.
liek this so it doesnt take as much time & i can update moreeee :]

me & braden at the party this weekend.

im wayyyyyyyyy behind on school work because i was away the whole last week of school.
im gonna get started on some shit, & if i have time,
i'll honest to god TRY to blog.
totally not bullshitting yall this time.


Sunday, October 26, 2008
8:09 PM

OMG. yeah.
summer is over AGAINNNNNN.

but it still feels like summer here in texas!
havn't been on here in the LONGEST time.

been busy with work & school & class & friends
& all that high school shit ya know?

homecoming pics on my facebook.
(if you're not already my friend)

but i'll upload them onto friendster & possibly on here whenever i get the time.
im working on my sister's care package right now!

halloween next weekkkkkkkkkkk!
whoop whoop!

j'adore halloween!
its like the start of the holidays.

cause right after halloween its my birthday,
& then thanksgiving,
& then winter break,
& then im leaving for CAROLINA!
& then my familys coming for christmas,
& then NEW YEARS EVE partiesssss,
& then new years,
& then spring break,
which means PARISSSS!

j'ai tres excite!

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Picture post!
2:59 PM

hey guys!

sorry for not posting & going totally mia for like a week.

it started monday, & today was the 4th day of school.
(2nd B day)

anyways, i've made a bunch of friends!
so im happy about that (:

tomorrows A day, & theres this really cute guy in pre-cal.
his names Britian (like the country).
so i gotta look exceptionally cute on A days!

plus hes in my ACC class (US history 1301) that i have on mondays & wednesdays!

i know all this sounds like a jumble to you,
but i'lll explain everything tonight or something. whenver i get the time.

i've got HOMEWORK to do!

& cross my heart,
im gonna do ALL MY HOMEWORK! & totally ace my tests & quizzes.
& actually study for them!

im even gonna study for french tonight!
& im not gonna cheat (:

we'll see how long all those promises last ..

anyways, pics from when maine was here!

sunday morning,
on the way to church.

isn't his outfit cuteeeee?
i picked it out for him (:

& he neverrrrrrrrr lets me take pics of him.

downtown Austin,
congress avenue.

thats congress.
or parliament.
or whatever its called.

doesnt it look like a college campus out of a movie or something?

& thats maine!
sean said tht she looks hot in this pic,
& i was like ewww!

shes like his sister!
thats just gross to think about ..

anyways, shes 20, turning 21 in nov.
& she lives in raleigh.


i take pictures soooooooo much better than maine does!

moonlight kayaking!

it was really dark out,
so everyone had to wear all these glow stick things.
so i wore mine on my ears.
it fell off anyways ..

me & maine shared a kayak,
& it was sooooo much fun!
we were like "left. right. left. right."

but our kayak wouldnt go straight, so we were like
"ok. left 3 times. left. left. left. 2 more times! left. left."

& then ..

"ok. we're going too left! right. right. right."

& we tried to race all these random people who were kayaking,
but no one would race back,
so we ended up beating everyone.

maine had her cellphone in her life jacket.
& when we were getting out,
her phone fell & bounced off the dock,
& the back (battery cover) of her phone fell into the lake.

so we like ran there & started fishing for it,
& this dude was like:

"sumthin' fell in the water! ...
& it ain't floatin' .. "

i was like aw!
cute southern boy!

six flags!
(for those of you who don't know, its a theme park,

so those were the last pics of the summer!

R.I.P. summer ..
i'll miss you!

Friday, August 22, 2008
8:24 PM

i just got done playing big brain academy & super smash bros brawl on the wii for like 328472347 hours.

im such a video game freak ..
its like unlimited hours of pure entertainment (:

anyways, i saw The House Bunny today!

thats it!
the house bunny. not the bunny mommy or whatever i said it was yesterday.
it was definitely a feel good movie.
you know when you walk out of the theater feeling all good & light & airy & happy?

yeah. that kinda movie.
it kinda reminded me of legally blonde & sydney white.

but it was cute (:
i liked it.

katherine mcphee was in the movie!

she was the pregnant one - & after she gave birth, she was skinny minny.
& super tall! i was jealous.

& they gave her a couple singing parts in the movie too.

did u ever notice that whenever singers act in movies, they always get to sing in the movie?

yeah. she got to sing in this one karaoke scene, & at the end of the movie. like during the credits.
the ending of the movie - where they sing & dance like totally ruined the whole thing though.
it was just downright lameeeeeeeee.

after watching that movie.
it got me sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to go to college!

& im definitely going to join a sorority. it looks sooo fun!

gill's sister said that its really expensive to pay to live in the sorority house though.
& the events take up majority of your time.
& hazing sucks.

for her hazing week, they wernt allowed to sleep for the entire week!
i would like sooo totally dieeeeee.

but i think i could see myself in a sorority.
even my sister said that she could see me walking around campus with a group of 'sorostitudes'. (thats what she calls slutty sorority sisters. ahhahaa)

but i can't wait to go to college!
i'll finally get to move out, & start my own life, living by myself & everything.
its gonna be awesome!

but before all that, i have to take the stupid SATs this year, & i better score damn high on that so i can get into UT!
it would be my dreammmmmmmmmm to be accepted!
everyone would be sooo proud of me!

(just like the time when i got the same psle score as my super smart cousin(that everyone compares me to)! everyone called me the black horse because they thought that all i did was have fun, cause trouble, & laze around all day. but little did they know, their precious little daughter/grand daughter/niece was actually a genius! i know being called a black horse is supposed to be a little insulting. but i was sooo happy! i was just basking in all the attention. & my mom told me that my aunt & uncle (super smart cousin's parents) couldnt believe that i got the same score! i loved it!)

& i have to be like superrr active in school.
oooh well, im planning to be on like student council & deca & everything at my new school.
i think it'll be fun.

maybe i'll even run for student body president!

pshh .. yeah right.

anyways, im going to continue watching supersize v superskinny.
im addicted!
im kinda sad though!
bc im already on episode 6, & theres only 8 episodes in all!

maybe they'll have a new season out soon!


1:04 AM

so i havn't blogged in like .. a month ?
but alls good right?
you guys have forgiven me & we're moving on ..

anyways, i've been mucho busy (not really mucho but just kinda busy) over the last month.
moving in, unpacking stuff from boxes, settling in, navigating around.
usual stuff like that.

& i've painted my room.
went shopping for furniture & everything.

oh. & maine (my sister) was here for the last 2 weeks & we've been out all day & watching movies & the olympics all night & stuff.
& we also went to six flags (the fiesta texas one. not the six flags over texas or something like that).
& we went moonlight kayaking!
went to san antonio & san marco! shopped a tonnnn (due to tax-free weekend) & spent a couple of days laying by the pool, & NUMEROUS days at ikea picking out furniture.

& of course we did the usual girly stuff like getting out nails done.
trying out clothes - stuff like that.

oh. & we ate out a tonnnnnnnnnn.
somedays we'll eat out for all 3 meals & then go to denny's dinner to curb our midnight munchies.

we watched a couple of movies too.
old & new.
sisterhood of the traveling pants 2.
& tonssssss of old movies rented from blockbuster & red box.
& lots & lotsssss of hours of olympics. lots.

& we spent just about every other morning at the gym.

so those are totally valid reasons for not blogging- not that im gay or anything. (maybe just a tad for not posting for soo damn long).

i have a couple of pictures ..
not that many really.
but i PROMISE i'll blog tomorrow!

im like sick right now & really sleepy.
even though i dont understand how i could possibly be sleepy.

i like totally blacked out & fell asleep on the couch last night at like 8 cause i took some advil PM's for my headache. & then i got up at like 8.30 this morning & went to the gym for like 2 hours. went out for lunch. came home showered & slept till like 11.30.

got up ate & played cooking mama (best game everrr) on the wii for like 2 hours.
yeah, story of my life (a pretty boring one).
but its like 3.18 right now & im dyinggggggg.

ooh well, im definitely skipping the gym tomorrow.
but i'll probably get up at like 12 cause i want to see that new movie coming out!

um. i forgot what it was.
bunny mommy or something?

its about that ex playboy bunny who goes to college?
um. bunny ... something.
im not sure. all i know is that it has something to do with a bunny.
playboy bunny that is.

i'll let you guys know how the movie goes, & post pics & blog!!!!!!!!

whooo. big acomplishment for me huh ?
doing ALL that in ONE post?



Thursday, July 31, 2008
11:07 PM

i just signed up for my classes yesterday!
so starting august, i'll be taking :

  1. AP english III (but i think im dropping the AP)
  2. pre-AP chemistry (isn't tht weird? they have pre-AP here)
  3. pre-cal
  4. french III
  5. advertising and marketing
  6. dance
  7. & then im dropping 2 periods so i can go home early (:
so instead of 8 classes, im only taking 6. but i registered for ACC though! so i'll be taking a 2 hour us history college class on mondays & wednesdays for 1 semster, & i'll be taking a distance learning geography 1301 class. im soo not excited about the distance learning class. im not a motivated person at alllllll. so idk how im gonna be able to sit at a computer, doing assignments & emailing my professor & stuff. can u even see me doing that?
because i definitely cant!

anyways, someone asked whats been going on in the guy department?

nothing exciting or interesting.
just random hookups & stuff like that.

ohh, did i ever tell you guys what i decided?

i decided that i won't date anyone till im 18!

i've decided that relationships are just wayy too difficult, & too much of a hassle.

hookups work fine for me.

& above all that,

so yes. thats my decision,
& i won't bend the rule, except for a seth cohen.

or a ryan, but thats totally impossible.

arn't you guys proud of me?

luke told me that im crazy,
& devra said that i'll break it in 2 weeks.

have some faith!

sean even made a bet with me about it.
hah. i'll prove him wrong.


all my love,

Monday, July 28, 2008
11:12 AM

webcam-ing with jas & sebas!

sebas got a screen shot of the first picture when i was showing off my watermelon, that i cut into hearts (:
(dad made me cut the watermelon, so i cut 'em into hearts & diamonds & circles)

i was waving it around & everything. haha
it was gorgeous!
but then i ate it ..

& jasmine took the second one when she told me to pose & take a screenshot,
& i gave her that face.


(notice my nails are painted on one hand, & not on the other.
ahaha. i still havnt got to tthe other hand yet ..)

anyways, im about to head to ikea to get new furniture,
but i'll blog about my train trip when i get back!

& im in like a super dilemma,
of how i should wear my hair on the first day of school.

straight, or wavy.

i'll post pics when i get back so you guys can help me decide (:

RACHAEL - dont forget that name, its gonna be famous someday.
its the perfection that i envy,
& the image that im chasing,
thats holding me back.

what if everything i told you were all lies?

basically, im anything but ordinary.

i would totally marry any guy with a rose tattoo.
random, but true

Click here to view my profile visitor stats.

because -

retail therapy, TLC,
people watching
fruit spritzers, glossy magazines,
icecream, white chocolate, movies,
boys, soccer, cars,
mighty 6!
coffee, running, SUMMER!
chai lattes, smores, singapore!




MSN: xi4ofairy@hotmail.com
Friendster: friendster.com/rachh
Myspace: myspace.com/genduuuhhh